Scientist Profile

Dr. Avijit Dey

: Scientist D

: (020) 25904546 (O)

: (020) 25865142

Email ID
: avijit[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in

Intra-seasonal variability of Indian summer monsoon
Degree University Year Stream
Ph.D. Savitribai Phule Pune University 2022 Atmospheric And Space Sciences
M.Sc. Pondicherry University 2012 Physics
B.Sc.(Hons) University of Calcutta 2010 Physics

 Intra-seasonal Oscillation of Indian Summer Monsoon

 Predictability of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall

 Extended range prediction

Award Name Awarded By Awarded For Year
Certificate of Merit-2024 Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune Outstanding contribution to Weather and Climate Science 2024
30th Biennial MAUSAM Award Quarterly Research Journal MAUSAM - 2018-2019
INSPIRE Scholarship Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India For being in the top 1% in School leaving examination 2011
Year Designation Institute
2022-Present Scientist D Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
2018-2021 Scientist C Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
2014-2017 Scientist B Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
2012-2013 Trainee Scientist Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India

Research Highlight

MJO Diagnostics for Extended Range Prediction and Simulation in IITM CFSv2

Reconstructed OLR anomalies over Central India and Indian Ocean. Black curve based on lagged phase composite method (previous 45  and forward 45 days of current day), takes seasonality into account and red curve based on simple phase composite method (considering all the days of the year).

Conclusion: The main advantages of the proposed EEOF based system are:

(a) Smoother propagation of convection associated with MJO, which would be useful for real-time applications

(b) Pre-filtering of data is kept to minimum and yet tracks of smooth MJO propagation could be obtained. This method could be directly used for comparison of model Forecast.

(c) MJO filtering could be done for any space-time data and not only with the variable used in filtering

(d) long model integrations are not required for tracking the model generated MJO

(e) MJO and the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations could be treated with a uniform framework.

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